“I could stand, sit, or lie, and ended up levitating. In this dance I did not notify myself of my intentions in advance of the performance.”
-Trisha Brown
“Trillium (is) a structured improvisation of very high energy movements involving a curious timing and with dumb silences like stopping dead in your tracks. I was working in a studio on a movement exploration that moved to or through the three positions of sitting, standing, and lying. I broke these actions down into their basic mechanical structure, finding the places of rest, power, momentum, and peculiarity. I went over and over the material, eventually accelerating and mixing it up to the degree that lying down was done in the air.”- Trisha Brown, Trisha Brown: Dance and Art in Dialogue, 1961-2001, Teicher, Hendel
Trisha Brown
Simone Forti; a composite of all the different sounds that could come out of Forti's throat and mouth, including pitches, screeching, and scraping.