REPERTORY/ Structured Pieces II

Ten foot long sticks (1x1) are placed end to end in a horizontal line just above the supine bodies of the performers. Keeping contact between sticks, the performers circle or roll in careful motion around their sticks. If contact is lost, they must stop and correct it. The action of rolling is shaped by the second task of holding the sticks in a fixed position and in turn, the balance of the sticks is made more difficult by the large activity of the maneuvering body. The horizontal line of the sticks changes from one line to smaller units at angles to each other as the piece progresses. 

The Structured Pieces, performed between 1973 and 1976, comprised a fluctuating collection of experimental ideas in form closely allies with the Accumulations (1971-73, 1978, 1997).  The individual dances within the Structured Pieces were like one-line ideas that often evolved into larger sections of later choreographies.  The list of dances at each performance was not always recorded. They included: Sticks, Scallops, Discs, Bug, Running-Mistitled, Leaning Trio, Falling Duets, Circles, and Group Primary Accumulation 
Trisha Brown: Dance and Art in Dialogue, 1961-2001, Teicher, Hendel


Trisha Brown


Talking between dancers, sound of props

Visual Design:

Trisha Brown


White long-sleeved t-shirt and white cotton drawstring pants


40 minutes


4 dancers


Carmen Beuchat, Trisha Brown, Caroline Goodden, Sylvia Palacios (Whitman)


Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, November 07, 1974

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